Flexible dosing system for mixer feeding

Flexible dosing system for mixer feeding

The assignment consisted of a fully automated and recipe controlled batch system, providing new batches within a 5 minute cycle. The ideal solution for this project was the highly flexible container system from Daxner. The modular system is highly suitable for different building projects, e. g. enhancement or modification of existing buildings, step-by-step expansion of a facility. Another requirement for this system was a buffer of ready to use batches to eliminate downtime for the cleaning and modification of the mixers. This task was solved with the implementation of a high bay storage system with a stacker crane.


Raw material storage

Most of the powders and fine-grained raw materials arrive in Big bags or bags. They are filled into the day silos with the help of a mobile bag and Big bag discharge station including a control screening machine. The module groups of day silos consist of different sizes, suitable for the different recipe requirements. Mobile discharge stations are responsible for filling all small components into the small components silos.


Every silo module group is equipped with a weighing bin, adapted to the required dosing amounts and accuracies. Dosing screws supply the materials into the scales. An operator doses small components with a double chamber system and commissioning trolleys.

Container transport system

The weighing bins load their content into a closed recipe controlled cycle of containers (batch bins). With the help of a dust-free docking head, the predosed products are filled into the batch bin. Such filling stations with docking heads are also responsible for the dosing of manual components, as well as the addition of predosed small components. The containers move through the facility via automated conveying technology with cross transfer carts and a container lift.

The full containers are stored in the high bay storage system, depending on the recipe they may pass through a pre-mixer beforehand. Optionally, the ingredients can also be transported automatically directly to the blenders. The automated transport system consists of fast shuttle carts with space for two containers to cover long distances in the predetermined time. The container discharge stations above the blenders are equipped with a dust-free docking head, a vibratory discharge aid and a control weighing system.

The emptied containers return to the high bay storage system after an optional detour to the container cleaning station.

Key components
for this solution

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