Functional principle and benefits
Daxner’s jet filter is used for the dust control of silos and bins. The separation of the material air-mixture into clean air and dust happens in the silo hoses (or cartridges).
Nozzles pressurize the filter hoses with air pulses and clean them from the remaining dust. This requires oil-free, dry air pressurized with 6-8 bars. The controls system activates the nozzles in a periodical sequence.
Quick action clamps assure an easy disassembly for cleaning and inspection. The easy slide-out hose exchange system allows the exchange of the complete set of filter hoses within seconds by simply opening the door and sliding them out.
This system makes it possible to use different filter assemblies for different materials one at the time to eliminate cross contamination.
High performance filter hoses with a large load capacity
Automated air pulses ensure a reliable performance
Round filter housing
High level of exhaust air cleanliness
Uses only small amounts of pressurized air for thorough hose cleansing
Easy bag exchange at the clean air side on the filter top
Optimized sliding-hose exchange system for easy clean
Complete dismantling of the filter without the use of tools
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