Innovative grinding system for crystal and powdered sugar

Innovative grinding system for crystal and powdered sugar

Daxner developed an innovative grinding system for an international prestigious manafucturer of confectionary and confiture. This system includes both the grinding of crystal sugar to powdered sugar and the grinding of powder sugar with a fine impact mill.


The new concept consists of a grinding system, which does not require any additional filter for the dedusting/aspiration of the grinding process.

Therefore considerable cost savings for energy-intensive filters, blowers and cooling units can be realized. This results in lower investment costs, reduced space requirements and lower maintenance costs.

The newly developed dosing system continuously supplies the mill with sugar, hence a consistent grinding can be achieved. This ensures a high homogenity of the powdered sugar.

Handling of powder sugar for further processing

Powder sugar is not suitable for the storage in conventional silos or bins. The new development of a homogenizer-mixer allows the intermediate storage of the powdered sugar, starting directly after grinding through to further processing.

A rotor with a helical ribbon belt creates a counterflow inside the mixer’s trough shaped housing. The continuous and slow rotation keeps the powdered sugar continuously in motion, thus the formation of lumps can be prevented.

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